Jun 10, 2008



Last night, while lying in bed, I began to create options in my head. And by "options" I am referring to potential mates. A bit pathetic to admit, I know.

You may get a chuckle out of this, I sure do, but our chapter of American Red Cross is having its 90th anniversary in March. I am helping to coordinate a Birthday Party to celebrate this landmark. It will consist of all sorts of birthday festivities including the presence of players from the Charlotte Eagles semi-pro soccer team. As I was lying in bed I jumped from "option" to "option." As I did so, I instantaneously noticed how quickly my emotions, feelings, and thoughts could grab hold onto an "option" and run with it...all reflected in the fact, that I've already got the wedding date set, the dress bought, and the happily-ever-after story written and ready to go with at least one or all of the players in attendance - and for all I know, they're all married, ha ha.

Four months. I have four more months until my AmeriCorps service comes to a completion. Once again, options is the name of the game. I continuously bounce from one option to the next. One day I'm set on moving to Florida in order to teach speech to high schoolers. The next day, I'm set on moving back to the Midwest where I can be close to family and friends (yes, family and friends, why else would anybody in their right mind move back to the frigidity artic weather you folks endure up there :)

The day after that, I'll forget about location and start thinking about vocation. I should just start a card collection called Cheering You on, and it'll be just like Hallmark but instead of holidays and birthdays, oh we'll do that too, but we'll also write cards to hit certain seasons of life. Yeah, that's it. Or maybe I should write music. I love singing. I love music. I bet God could use me to reach people by writing music. Over and over again, my mind creates options. And the emotions that these thoughts invoke grab hold of me, repeatedly taking me on an emotional roller coaster.

Options. Life offers so many options. That's the exciting part.

Options. Life offers so many options. That's the absolutely horrifying part.

And for me personally, all too often it seems more horrifying than exciting.

Some of you may understand exactly where I'm coming from. It seems that "options" are flying at you left and right.

So what do we do with "options?"

Honestly, I don't know the answer to this question. I struggle every day with choosing from the infinite-options toolbar of life.

Maybe we just lay it all down. Maybe we tell Satan to step behind us, for confusion to flee us. Maybe we stop creating options.

And maybe we just sit instead. We sit and listen for the still small voice to lead us. Because that voice was, is, and is to come. His voice will remain...

Options will come and go, minute by minute, and season by season. Some options offer freedom and adventure. Some options are there solely for us to decline. They're there for us to wrestle with...and as you wrestle through what God is calling for your life, as you roll over options in your head, you will have moments of great clarity and you will have moments of confusion...Trust Him. He may not speak today, or tomorrow, but He will speak and He will lead. He always does. His faithfulness reaching to the heavens!

so sit...and listen..

Cheering you on as you wrestle with options!

May you fondle these options, yes, but may you not fret over them.


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