Jun 10, 2008

Seek and you will find.

Hello Hello,

I had figured since Cheering You On: as you run your race with Christ is in the process of being published, I was perhaps done writing "Cheering You On" emails...ha ha, but somehow it appears that I'm not done...God continues to reveal Himself in quirky ways, ways I feel like sharing. :)

so here we go...another Cheering You On:

I was driving home from the mall today. (I still stand by the statement of my dislike towards malls. In fact, I believe this is perhaps only my 3rd or 4th time going to this particular mall since my arrival in Charlotte - one time being for an eye appointment. I don't know how they do it, but malls have this way of introducing me to the idea that perhaps my life is incomplete without this sweater, pair of pants, or new pair of shoes. I somehow manage to almost always leave malls disheartened...ha ha, eh, such is life).

I hopped in my car. Started her up and began my venture home - which was interrupted by the fact I had to stop at work to retrieve a jacket I had left there earlier in the week. I then decided to write this, so I haven't made it home yet, but I'm getting there - Anyway, what I'm trying to get to is the fact that while driving I had this annoying, nagging discomfort in my back. It felt as if something was there, perhaps part of my clothing had bunched up...I tried a couple of times to feel for what it could be, apparently got impatient with it, and gave up.

After a while of feeling this ”item" digging into my back I finally reached back again, discovered that the string adjuster on my jacket had folded up and was indeed, digging into my back. I quickly brushed it downward and instantaneously felt the relief of my actions. All I could think was why didn't I do that sooner? As the thought rolled over in my mind, I had an overlapping thought of Why don't you do things sooner in all areas of your life?

It seems that I am currently going through this awkward season where I know something isn't quite right with God. I have ideas, guesstimates, and perhaps, yes indeed, excuses (ha, ha) as to why my heart is the way it is right now. The thing is I've tried a couple of times to grab at it, take hold of it, and fix it. But it hasn't worked.

And now, after this little moment in my car, I can't help but think, What's there? What haven't you grabbed onto and fixed? What is it that you are allowing to sit and nag at your soul? Why not try one more time to reconfigure your heart?

Maybe you're like this. Maybe you're sitting at your computer right now, and you have pains, discomforts, and questions that haven't been healed, relieved, or answered. Maybe you feel like giving up. Maybe the idea of persevering seems absurd. But what if we're wrong? What if there's more in store for both of us, for you and for me?

Maybe, just maybe it's all worth the continuous pressing...that is, we press on to take hold of all that He has in store for us. I know God is the one who lives in us making us whole and complete, but I'm really starting to catch onto this beautiful game of hide n' go seek. Although I must admit, for me personally, it appears He has the best hiding spot ever! :)

I love it.

Cheering you on as you try time and time again for it is in the trying that we are refined into something a little more like Him.

Today, little by little, may there be comfort and peace in your heart.


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