May 9, 2008

God in driver's training.

Hi Everyone.

The other day, I’m sitting on the Wealthy exit ramp and a car drives by in front of me. On top of this car sat sort of a teepee like structure that read:

A+ Student Driver A+

Oh no, way too funny, I thought, as I sat laughing for quite some time waiting for my light to turn green. Why was this teepee like structure so funny? Probably had something to do with the idea that most of us would not rate student drivers in the A+ category. I mean seriously, I’m still somewhere in the D range (for those of you who don't know freshman year I road tripped it to Florida with some friends in my car. By the end of the trip I was not allowed to drive my own car and told I drove like know, because I ate the center lines).

Moving on, I just wanted to point out that sometimes others may not view us as A+ people, or A+ Christians. So often we even judge ourselves as failures. Give ourselves an F. At times I find myself thinking, what is God thinking about me right now? You’re so impatient. You weren't very respectful there. Why are you so selfish? But then I have to remind myself of God's unconditional love, and that He doesn't grade me. He loves me. I think we'd all be pleasantly surprised by what God has to say about us. Maybe it's something more like, "Thanks for helping that person. Remember when you listened? Remember when you controlled your tongue? Thanks for sharing. I used you there; look how I’m using you now. Look at how you love. Well done."

It’s funny I’ve never heard anything about getting to Heaven and hearing, "Wow, you really stunk it up done there." I’ve always thought we’d hear, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

Cheering you on as you come to know that we can unconditionally love ourselves just as Christ unconditionally loves us.

May you start looking at yourself as an A+ Child of God A+. Yes, we struggle, who doesn't?) But hey, well done. Continue to be good and faithful servants!


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