May 9, 2008

A life of gratitude.

Hi Y'all.

Casework Management Coordinator....Mouthful to say, but that's my job title.

As caseworker, I work with clients after a disaster. I issue additional financial assistance for food and clothing. I make hotel extensions. I give referrals for clothing and furniture. I handle the necessary paperwork needed to provide rent assistance and security deposit assistance. Yes, that's right. Free money. Free food. Free assistance. It's beautiful.

But one thing I've noticed in dealing with the clients is that each client has their own response to Red Cross assistance. Some are prideful and struggle to accept help. Some demand our help. Some become enraged that we are unable to help in the ways they expect. And some, well some, jump into my arms giving me hugs and praise and then continue on their way out the door as they begin to dance in the parking lot - it's true! And some, remain in awe, completely humbled.

But it's difficult. Casework is difficult. I have to consistently use discernment when dealing with clients. What do they need? What are they responsible enough to handle right now? In giving them financial assistance, am I helping or am I simply enabling a greater problem at hand; perhaps a lack in personal motivation and responsibility, reliability? Do they want to get back on their feet or are they simply "abusing the system." It's difficult. Extremely difficult. It takes a lot of time and energy to help our clients and to help them in the best way possible. But I do. I am committed to supporting, encouraging, and enabling our clients to live life to the fullest.

And it's frustrating. It's frustrating when someone demands something from you. It's frustrating when they don't understand that you cannot and perhaps should not, assist them in the ways that they want. But oh, how absolutely incredibly amazing it is when a client offers gratitude.

So I have to wonder...Do I treat God like that? How do I respond to God? Am I too proud to accept His help? His grace? His blessings? Do I try to do it on my own? Why do I get so angry when God doesn't answer me in the ways that I expect or the ways that I want? Why do I fail to trust that He's giving and taking away in accordance to His perfect will? And why do I demand things from Him? Do I not trust that in His perfect timing, in His perfect ways, He's working for good?

Gratitude. Why is gratitude not the first thing pouring from my lips as I wake and in the last breath I exhale at night? Why do I not look at every good and perfect thing in my life as a blessing, not as what I deserve, but as a blessing, a true blessing, a gift? Why do I not remain in a constant state of awe at the grace in abundance poured on my life?

Grace. Forgiveness. Strength. Love. Faithfulness. Joy. Peace. Kindness. Mercy. Patience. Goodness. Self-Control. Wisdom. Provisions.

Thanks be to God for all the blessings and gifts that He pours down on me daily. May my life be that of living gratitude; shown in the words that I speak, the things that I do, in the people I love, and in the way that I live,

Cheering you on as you celebrate today, the great gracious blessings that flow from our Father onto and into our hearts.

May showers of blessings fill your day as well as your heart.


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