May 9, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby.

Hello Everyone.

"The Lord is not slow at keeping His promise as some understand slowness.
He is patient with you..." 2 Peter 3:9

What, you want a word picture? Okay.

Recently in the morning, I get all ready for school, or the what-nots of my life. I head out to my car and in an instant I'm automatically frustrated. My car is always covered with snow or ice. Sometimes it's on the outside of my car and sometimes it's on the inside of my car. (the ice that is, although sometimes the snow gets in there too) Anyways, I end up spending much of my precious time either dusting my car off or scraping my car free from the icing it has received over the previous night.

What is my point? That I could just take off with my car covered with ice and snow but it wouldn't be very safe. I may or may not make it to my destination safely (this has nothing to do with my actual driving because that's just unsafe in and of itself...oops). And I always fail to remember that in taking the time to dust my car off, my car gets to warm up. And I like the feeling of being warm, as opposed to freezing, as I drive to my desired location.

God knows that we have "icings" and "snow coverings" all over our hearts. These don't necessarily mean negative things but things that just need to be worked out. We can "risk it," or we can wait for His timing and make sure that we get the best. So often, we get impatient and want to drive right through life, failing to see how God's "timing" functions as He cleans, shapes, molds, and "de-ices" our hearts so the journey can be at its best. We fail to understand that He doesn't hold out on us. In fact, He holds out His hand to guide us through our moments of impatience and confusion. And when His time finally fits into our time, we're all "warm" and we feel better about the drive, the journey. I love how patient He is with us as we de-snow, de-ice, and de-freeze.

I know a lot of you are "waiting" on God; for healing, for understanding, for wisdom, for patience, for Him to take away certain feelings, or to give you certain feelings, to work things out in certain situations. Maybe you're waiting for something to happen with your child or your spouse. Maybe you're waiting on a job, waiting for the "one," the next phase of life, graduation. You know where your "wait" is. May you know that God is working right now. May you trust that these things are already at work, coming soon to your heart (I sound like some advertisement for a movie). In His time.

Random story if you have the time. In high school, I would take off out of the driveway with a foot of snow on my car. After many warnings, my mom finally said, "Kaylee, if I see you drive out of that driveway one more time with snow on that car, I’m taking the car away from you"- oops! I’ll admit, now that years have passed, that when I would take off with that much snow on my car, the snow would fly off the hood of my car and nearly blind me while driving down the road - caused sort of a white-out condition. Maybe my mom was on to something.

Cheering you on as God defrosts your heart.

May you find comfort in the ways of His timing.


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